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What is Ecosia and why you should be using it?

Ecosia is a search engine that was founded with the goal of using its profits to plant trees and combat climate change. But what exactly is Ecosia, and why should you consider using it instead of other search engines like Google or Bing?

What exactly is Ecosia?

First and foremost, it's important to understand that Ecosia is a fully functional search engine that operates just like any other. It uses the same algorithms to return relevant search results and is just as fast and user-friendly as other search engines. The main difference is that Ecosia is committed to using its profits to plant trees and combat climate change.

So why should you use it?

One of the biggest benefits of using Ecosia is the positive impact it can have on the environment. According to the company, each search on Ecosia generates approximately 0.5 grams of CO2, which is offset by the trees that are planted with the profits from search advertising. In contrast, other search engines generate significantly more CO2 due to the energy required to run their servers. By using Ecosia, you can directly contribute to the fight against climate change simply by searching the internet.

Ecosia is also committed to transparency and accountability. The company publishes monthly reports detailing exactly how much money it has earned from search advertising and how that money has been used to plant trees. At the time of writing, Ecosia has helped plant over 164 million tress, across 13,000+ sites worldwide. These reports are available for anyone to view on the Ecosia website, so you can see exactly how your searches are making a difference.

Below is a list of 20 reasons, as to why you should be using Ecosia:

  1. Searching with Ecosia helps plant trees, which can help reverse the worst effects of climate change.

  2. Ecosia removes roughly 1 kg of CO2 from the air with each search, making carbon removal part of your daily routine.

  3. Ecosia powers its servers with 100% renewable energy from its own solar plants in Germany.

  4. Ecosia helps restore degraded soil and regenerate arid landscapes.

  5. Ecosia provides alternative sources of income to farmers in Indonesia to combat the palm oil industry.

  6. Ecosia doesn't store searches permanently, providing impartial search results.

  7. Ecosia is a trend-setting social business and is not for sale to large tech companies.

  8. Ecosia pays its fair share of taxes and publishes its financial reports in full online.

  9. Ecosia provides information about the benefits of trees on its podcast, social media, and website.

  10. Trees help restore natural weather cycles.

  11. Ecosia restores forest corridors in Uganda to protect the habitats of endangered animals.

  12. Ecosia replaces illegally cut down trees in the Leuser ecosystem on Sumatra to support orangutans.

  13. Ecosia plants trees in areas affected by wildfires in California.

  14. Ecosia works with schools in Uganda to teach children about forest conservation.

  15. Ecosia supports data protection and anonymous browsing, and works with Adblock Plus to improve the user experience on its Android app.

  16. Ecosia helps resist the monopolization of web search by providing an alternative to Google.

  17. Ecosia works towards gender diversity in its workforce, particularly in tech roles.

  18. Ecosia is a member of the Fair Search Alliance, advocating for fair competition in the search industry.

  19. Ecosia donates to projects that focus on reforestation, conservation, and community development.

  20. Ecosia's tree-planting projects are transparent and verifiable, with GPS coordinates and photos available online.

In summary, Ecosia is a search engine that aims to combat climate change by planting trees with its profits. It's just as fast and user-friendly as other search engines, but with the added bonus of making a positive impact on the environment. If you're looking for an easy way to do your part in the fight against climate change, give Ecosia a try.


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